
Good communication from the Regional Director is needed.


    As your Regional Director I will continue to host Regional meetings, post on Social Media and do emails blasts.   Of course, you may reach me by personal email/phone or in person.   Regional Meetings will have follow-up communication as not everyone is on hand at the show where held and may miss some important updates.  

    I will be re-establishing the bi-monthly e-newsletter which will be posted to our email list, Facebook and added to our website. 

   Our webpage needs updating with current photos, judges information and other fun things.  I will be talking to our terrific webmaster regarding a refresh and will have updates made as needed. 

   I will be bringing Deputy Directors back to our many areas to assist in covering this vast region.  Their assistance in the Communication Pipeline, both inwards and out, will be a great benefit.   My Deputies know their areas well and help identify places for growth potential and/or needs.    

     I will schedule a Virtual Town Halls before each Board Meeting to go over the proposals for input and ideas.   In doing so this will give you, our Members, an opportunity to give feedback or ask questions.  Of course Virtual Town Halls can be scheduled periodically for updates, conversations on TICA or region happenings!   If there is interest, I am more than happy to set up!

 While I was Regional Director,  we received membership lists in which I would sort and then email all new TICA Members a Welcome Letter which included clubs and/or shows in their area, the latest newsletter, etc.  I have been told this is not automatic nowadays however can be requested and there has been discussion on bringing that list back---in the meantime I will request on a regular basis to Welcome our new Region members.

      I will strive to ‘engage’ with everyone interested in 'engaging' and will do so year in/year out.  Our progress is unlimited when we work together.

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Telephone: 970-297-8627


Fort Collins, Colorado

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